Published: 29/05/2024

IUF General Secretary Sue Longley, along with the leaders of seven other Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), travelled to Ramallah this week to convey their solidarity to unions in the West Bank and Gaza. The delegation made clear that “we express our solidarity with Palestinian trade unions and workers in these difficult times. We are deeply concerned by the grave humanitarian crisis faced by the people of Gaza, and we stand with Palestinians, Israelis and people the world over calling for peace, equality and justice.”

Urgent priorities must include an immediate and permanent ceasefire with full respect for international humanitarian law, immediate access to humanitarian assistance, the release of all hostages and others held without due judicial process and enabling the safe return of all workers trapped by the conflict. The delegation urged governments to resume and increase funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). “UNRWA’s role is vital in providing essential services and supporting Palestinians at a time when they are most in need.”

  • IUF General Secretary Sue Longley met with IUF affiliate the General Union of Agriculture and Food Industry Workers to discuss the many challenges and strengthened cooperation; she also met with a representative of the General Union of Workers in Hotels, Restaurants and Tourism Services
  • The GUFs, all members of the Council of Global Unions (CGU), pledged to intensify efforts to help local trade unions navigate these difficult times for workers and fulfil their role as key drivers of change in Palestine
  • The delegation had the privilege to meet President Abbas as well as Deputy Prime Minister Samah Abou Oun, and several government ministers; GS Longley also met with the Minister of Agriculture Professor Resq Basheer-Salimia
  • The delegation recalled the ITUC and other global unions’ long-standing policy for a two-state solution, and the call for a just and durable peace through the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 to facilitate a real economic future for an independent Palestine; this involves ending the occupation of the West Bank, dismantling all illegal settlements, and recognizing the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state

The GUF’s and the ITUC issued this statement: “We came here to reinforce the depth of our commitment to Palestinian workers and their unions – we are all part of the same family. Our goal is a democratic and sovereign Palestine, living in just and lasting peace and security, alongside a secure Israel. We know that trade unions are an essential element of any democracy, and that strong and democratic independent unions will be a key building block towards that end in Palestine.”

Click HERE to read the full Global Unions statement.

We are deeply concerned by the grave humanitarian crisis faced by the people of Gaza, and we stand with Palestinians, Israelis and people the world over calling for peace, equality and justice.
Global Unions statement