Published: 15/04/2015

IUF affiliates in over 40 countries in 5 continents took action on April 15 – IUF International Fast Food Worker’s Day – to raise the profile of fast food workers and their struggles and to highlight the urgent need for change.


Auckland, New Zealand

The fast food industry, dominated by a small number of giant transnational corporations, relies on the labour of millions of workers. Although many of these workers are young, often students seeking part-time work, a large and growing number of older workers now depend on fast food jobs to sustain their families. Fast food workers around the world are actively challenging the poor wages, precarious jobs, absence of benefits and social security and systematic denial of trade union rights which form the industry pattern. Fast food workers are standing up for their rights, fighting for increased wages, union recognition and decent working conditions.


Antwerp, Belgium

Workers and unions worldwide stood together in solidarity on April 15 to protest  “zero-hour contracts” in New Zealand and the UK which fail to provide minimum hours of work, to demand an end to union-busting and the reinstatement of Gahyun Lee, who exposed wage and scheduling abuses and unsafe working conditions at McDonald’s Korea, to stop unpaid and so-called “charity” work in Indonesia and the Philippines, to Fight For 15 (15 USD an hour) and union rights in the US and to demand an end to unfair labour practices in Brazil, to name only some of the many ongoing fast food worker fights for justice.


Jakarta, Indonesia


Manila, Philippines


Sao Paulo, Brazil


Seoul, Korea


New York, USA