Nestlé workers travel from France to defend their research center from threatened closure
In September 2017, Nestlé announced a “strategic reorientation” of its dermatology division, Galderma, leading to the announcement of the closure of the R&D center which employs some 500 people.
For their trade union, the FCE-CFDT, “Nestlé’s decision to close the largest research center dedicated to dermatology in Europe and to open a new R&D center in Switzerland is incoherent, incomprehensible and unacceptable.”
The IUF-affiliated FGA-CFDT, which represents Nestlé food workers in France, has been supporting their sisters and brothers at Nestlé-Galderma in this conflict. They will be on hand for the demonstration along with representatives from the IUF, on behalf of Nestlé workers world-wide.