Featured image for - Nutella workers on strike in Turkey

Nutella workers on strike in Turkey


IUF members at Ferrero's Nutella factory in Turkey have been on strike since 10 October. Management has responded to the...

Featured image for - Namibia seafood corporations wage a war against fish workers rights

Namibia seafood corporations wage a war against fish workers rights


Refusal of the companies to negotiate have lead more than 4000 fishermen in the provinces of Walvis Bay and Luderitz...

Featured image for - IUF affiliates in Brazil call on their members to show solidarity with IUF campaign to stop PepsiCo attacking rights

IUF affiliates in Brazil call on their members to show solidarity with IUF campaign to stop PepsiCo attacking rights


Leaders of the Federation of Food Workers of São Paulo(FTIASP) distributed the leaflet of the IUF campaign to the workers...

Featured image for - IUF affiliates representing workers in tobacco growing salute the fights in Pakistan and India

IUF affiliates representing workers in tobacco growing salute the fights in Pakistan and India


Delegates to the IUF meeting of unions representing workers in tobacco growing and tobacco processing met in Malawi on October...

Featured image for - EFFAT Youth Committee stands with fights in Pakistan and India

EFFAT Youth Committee stands with fights in Pakistan and India


The IUF's European regional organization EFFAT's Youth Committee members have signed the postcards that are prepared in support of workers...

Featured image for - IUF dairy affiliates support struggles of workers in Pakistan and India against PepsiCo’s violations

IUF dairy affiliates support struggles of workers in Pakistan and India against PepsiCo’s violations


IUF affiliates representing dairy workers shared their solidarity with PepsiCo workers in Pakistan and warehouse supplier workers in India who...

Featured image for - Fast food workers win guaranteed hours in New Zealand

Fast food workers win guaranteed hours in New Zealand


The IUF-affiliate Unite Union and Restaurant Brands, which owns the rights to market KFC, Pizza Hut, Starbucks and Carl's Jr...

Featured image for - The assault on the right to strike

The assault on the right to strike


The right of workers to collectively withdraw their labour underpins the right to join a union and to collectively bargain...

Featured image for - NZ Meat Workers Union wins again in Court

NZ Meat Workers Union wins again in Court


After the New Zealand Employment Court ruled last February that the Talleys/AFFCO brutal 5 month lockout of union members was...

Featured image for - IUF Meat Division develops work plan

IUF Meat Division develops work plan


The Meat Division seeks cooperation between affiliates in reversing the trend towards outsourcing and the use of employment agencies to...

Featured image for - Vigo dialogue on decent work in fisheries and aquaculture

Vigo dialogue on decent work in fisheries and aquaculture


The third session of the FAO-sponsored Vigo dialogue which was held on October 4, 2016, brought together ILO sector department...