Featured image for - Thousands march in Melbourne in support of Carlton United/SABMiller brewery workers

Thousands march in Melbourne in support of Carlton United/SABMiller brewery workers


Thousands of union members and supporters marched through the center of Melbourne, Australia on September 8 in support of union...

Featured image for - Philippines tuna workers call upon industry to stop reckless, unsustainable fisheries

Philippines tuna workers call upon industry to stop reckless, unsustainable fisheries


The fight of the Citra Mina workers for reinstatement and recognition of their union became central in uniting workers of...

Featured image for - The IUF governing body endorsed a plan to develop international trade union coordination in the seafood sector

The IUF governing body endorsed a plan to develop international trade union coordination in the seafood sector


Members of the IUF Executive Committee supported the proposals of the sea food industry workers' unions to step up international...

Featured image for - IUF Executive Committee calls on PepsiCo to stop its complicity in human rights abuses!

IUF Executive Committee calls on PepsiCo to stop its complicity in human rights abuses!


The IUF's governing Executive Committee met in Geneva, Switzerland September 7-8 and supported the “STOP PEPSICOmplicity!” international union campaign in...

Featured image for - International appeal to the US President to introduce the human rights dimension into the illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing concept

International appeal to the US President to introduce the human rights dimension into the illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing concept


Deceived by promises of a good job that will enable them to send money home, many workers are trapped at...

Featured image for - After glyphosate: European Commission confirms retreat from public health protection by authorizing toxic pesticides banned under EU law

After glyphosate: European Commission confirms retreat from public health protection by authorizing toxic pesticides banned under EU law


On June 28, the European Commission yielded to the agrochemical lobby and reauthorized the continued use of the herbicide glyphosate...

Featured image for - Mondelez no longer pursuing Hershey: What now?

Mondelez no longer pursuing Hershey: What now?


Mondelez announced on August 29, 2016 that it had ended discussions with US chocolate maker Hershey regarding a possible acquisition....

Featured image for - Turkey: Tekgida-Is signs first agreement at Danone Hayat Waters

Turkey: Tekgida-Is signs first agreement at Danone Hayat Waters


IUF affiliate Tekgida-Is has signed a collective bargaining agreement with Danone Hayat waters in Turkey. The agreement covers the period...

Featured image for - Highlights from Kraft Heinz Second Quarter 2016 Results: Why IUF Affiliates Should Be Interested

Highlights from Kraft Heinz Second Quarter 2016 Results: Why IUF Affiliates Should Be Interested


On August 4, 2016 Kraft Heinz reported its Second Quarter results for the 2016 Fiscal Year (FY). There were notable...

Featured image for - Nestlé UK: unions successfully defend the pension scheme

Nestlé UK: unions successfully defend the pension scheme


UNITE and GMB have successfully defended the defined-benefits pension scheme which Nestlé intended to close and replace with a defined-contribution...

Featured image for - Fast food workers in the Philippines fight for new laws to combat precarious work

Fast food workers in the Philippines fight for new laws to combat precarious work


As part of its ongoing campaign for a living wage and secure jobs for fast food workers, the Respect Fast...

Featured image for - Dairy workers in Karnataka, India declare: “Young workers need unions, unions need young workers!”

Dairy workers in Karnataka, India declare: “Young workers need unions, unions need young workers!”


On August 12, the IUF-affiliated Dairy Employees Federation of India (DEFOI) celebrated International Youth Day for the first time, organizing...