Featured image for - Union action for more and better jobs for women on banana plantations in Ghana

Union action for more and better jobs for women on banana plantations in Ghana


The IUF and Banana Link have recently facilitated workshops for affiliated unions  as part of the push for more and...

Featured image for - Germany: union support for food delivery workers fighting for rights in the ‘platform economy’

Germany: union support for food delivery workers fighting for rights in the ‘platform economy’


The German Food and Allied Workers (NGG) are giving strong support to bicycle couriers fighting for their rights at the...

Featured image for - Philippines: RESPECT calls for wider application of government order making thousands of fast food workers permanent

Philippines: RESPECT calls for wider application of government order making thousands of fast food workers permanent


The Respect Fast Food Workers' Alliance (RESPECT) won an important partial victory in their long-running campaign for fast food workers'...

Featured image for - Philippines RESPECT fast food

Philippines RESPECT fast food


Respect Fast Food Workers' Alliance (RESPECT) obtuvo una importante victoria parcial en su larga campaña por el derecho de quienes...

Featured image for - USA: ClubMed workers win a new collective agreement

USA: ClubMed workers win a new collective agreement


After 12 unionized housekeepers were replaced by contract workers at the Florida resort last October, North American affiliate the Teamsters...

Featured image for - Contract workers win permanent jobs at Danone Netherlands

Contract workers win permanent jobs at Danone Netherlands


As a direct result of successful local negotiations by the IUF-affiliated FNV based on the IUF-Danone Agreement on Sustainable Employment...

Featured image for - Yakult workers in Australia take action to fight wage stagnation and inequality

Yakult workers in Australia take action to fight wage stagnation and inequality


Australia is in the midst of a wage crisis, in an environment where business is making record profits. National Union...

Featured image for - Affiliates must be at the negotiating table on environmental policy

Affiliates must be at the negotiating table on environmental policy


The IUF Meat Division resolved at a planning meeting in San Francisco on March 14 & 15 that affiliates must...

Featured image for - Climate change, technology and equality included in Dairy Division work plan

Climate change, technology and equality included in Dairy Division work plan


At a planning meeting in San Francisco on March 12 & 13, the IUF Dairy Division Steering Group decided that...

Featured image for - World Water Day: women workers on Indian tea plantations supplying global brands demand their right to water and sanitation

World Water Day: women workers on Indian tea plantations supplying global brands demand their right to water and sanitation


In connection with World Water Day, March 22, women workers on tea plantations in the states of Assam and West...

Featured image for - IUF women around the world demand EQUALITY NOW! on International Women’s Day

IUF women around the world demand EQUALITY NOW! on International Women’s Day


On March 8, International Women's Day (IWD), IUF affiliates around the world took action to demand EQUALITY NOW! They also...

Featured image for - Now it’s official: six-year union drive wins workplace health standard for hotel housekeepers

Now it’s official: six-year union drive wins workplace health standard for hotel housekeepers


On March 9, the state of California officially approved the first ergonomic standard in the United States written specifically to...