Strike brings gains for Fonterra Chile dairy workers

...the New Zealand Dairy Workers Union (NZDWU) [the union organizing Fonterra workers in the company’s home country of New Zealand] was instrumental in reaching a solution in this conflict.” Prolesur.jpg...

ILO adopts Domestic Workers Convention

...16 against (15 employers plus the government of Swaziland) and 63 abstentions. The Recommendation received 434 votes in favor, 8 against (all employers) and 42 abstentions. With a new spokesperson...

Russian unions join forces in new confederation

...union affairs. KTR, formerly one union confederation among many, has now become the foundation of a new alliance representing some 600,000 workers. The new Confederation will pursue its independence from...

Ban on temp agency labour advances in Russian Parliament

...disperse new “employers” throughout the enterprise’s production units. Passage of the bill, which would clearly identify employer responsibility by banning labour market intermediaries, would therefore represent an important advance for...