How did Heineken perform in 2018? – results data

...improvements and constantly reassessing our spending behaviour. Going into 2019, we expect the environment to remain uncertain and volatile.” To read Heineken’s official results announcement, click the following link:…...

Italian unions mobilize for ‘A future for work!’ double the EU average. Despite their election campaign’s demagogic social promises, the 5 Star/League government’s new budget law includes no measures to stimulate job creation, address the growth in...

Lactalis dairy unions form international alliance

...Group is a French based privately owned company which has expanded rapidly through acquisitions in all IUF regions and is now the world’s 2nd largest dairy company by sales turnover....

Italy: unions win single national agreement at Mondelez

About 1,000 workers in Italy now have a new collective bargaining agreement with Mondelez following lengthy negotiations between Italian IUF affiliates and the company. FLAI-CGIL reports the new agreement unifies...

Building our unions: the power of young workers

...and to ensure that workers 35 and under are represented on the IUF’s governing structures. Following on the IUF Young Workers’ Conference held in August 2017, an ad-hoc group of...