Uberizing logistics?

...effectively work to eliminate permanent employment in logistics enter into Unilever’s Responsible Sourcing Policy – and can they be confined to the supply chain? The London Employment Tribunal on October...

Nutella workers on strike in Turkey

...than renegotiating after 2 years, as is customary. Management has responded to the strike by pressuring workers to resign. The 150 striking workers have vowed to continue until a new...

The assault on the right to strike

...documented in a  study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation published in the run-up to the October 7 World Day for Decent Work. The Right to Strike Struck Down shows how...

NZ Meat Workers Union wins again in Court

...another Talleys owned meat company (Land Meat NZ) has been fined NZ$15,000 and ordered to enter into an arrangement to enter collective bargaining with the union within 6 weeks. These...

IUF Meat Division develops work plan

A coordinating group of IUF affiliates met on 26 & 27 September in San Francisco, California to develop a work plan for the IUF Meat Division. The group endorsed the...