Since 1980, IUF Congresses have unanimously adopted resolutions reaffirming the principles of equal opportunities for men and women:

  • Equal rights and access to decent employment, training and professional advancement;
  • Equal pay for work of equal value;
  • The right to combine work and family responsibilities;
  • Fair representation of women in decision-making bodies at all levels of trade unions (local, national, regional, international) according to the rules of the IUF;
  • The right to be Safe at work, Safe at home;
  • Equal rights to social protection.

Patricia Alonso

Chair, Women's Committee

IUF Contact

Julie Duchatel

E: [email protected]

IUF Action Program for Equality

The IUF Action Programme for Equality 2023-2027 guides our equality related policies and actions since it was adopted by the IUF Women’s Conference and IUF Congress in 2023.

ILO Convention 190

Campaign for the ratification of C190 and the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work.

Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

Train the Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206)

IUF policy: zero tolerance of sexual harassment

The IUF is committed to creating and maintaining an environment based on dignity and mutual respect. Sexual harassment of participants, IUF staff, and those working in the meeting facilities, will not be tolerated in this meeting and its related activities including social gatherings.

Key Developments