Featured image for - NGG wins first-ever collective agreement at Autogrill Germany

NGG wins first-ever collective agreement at Autogrill Germany


The German Food Workers Union (NGG) have announced a successful conclusion to their fight for a first-ever collective agreement at...

Featured image for - Cadbury 5 re-elected to Union Executive at Mondelez Alexandria

Cadbury 5 re-elected to Union Executive at Mondelez Alexandria


The Cadbury 5 and their supporters swept to victory in elections to the executive of the independent union at Mondelez...

Featured image for - Citra Mina’s Human Right Violations Exposed During the Philipinnes Tuna Congress

Citra Mina’s Human Right Violations Exposed During the Philipinnes Tuna Congress


Hundreds of Citra Mina workers trooped to the venue of the 16th Tuna Congress to dramatize their plight and to...

Featured image for - Cadbury 5 re-elected to Union Executive at Mondelez Alexandria

Cadbury 5 re-elected to Union Executive at Mondelez Alexandria


The leaders were once again elected as the principal officers of the union and supporters of the leadership fill all...

Featured image for - Fonterra: first CBA in Malaysia, job cuts in Southern Hemisphere

Fonterra: first CBA in Malaysia, job cuts in Southern Hemisphere


Fonterra Malaysia and the IUF affiliated FIEU have concluded their CBA negotiations.This year there have been job cuts in Chile,...

Featured image for - London: poverty pay is a disgrace, hotel workers deserve living wage

London: poverty pay is a disgrace, hotel workers deserve living wage


Hotel workers, members of Unite the Union, took actions on Friday, August 8, to protest against low wages in one...

Featured image for - Shift work linked to type 2 diabetes risk

Shift work linked to type 2 diabetes risk


A recent study published in the British Medical Journal links shift work with a heightened risk of developing type 2...

Featured image for - Fonterra cuts 104 union jobs in NZ

Fonterra cuts 104 union jobs in NZ


104 positions held by members of IUF affiliates the NZDWU and EPMU are to be removed from Canpac, the Fonterra...

Featured image for - London: hospitality workers protest against poverty

London: hospitality workers protest against poverty


London is one of the most visited cities around the world and its hotels, bars and restaurants are highly profitable,...

Featured image for - No increase in line speeds in USDA Poultry Modernization Rule

No increase in line speeds in USDA Poultry Modernization Rule


After intense lobbying by labor unions, food safety groups and the civil rights community, the proposed increase in line speeds...