Featured image for - IDWF support women workers in Ukraine

IDWF support women workers in Ukraine


The Executive Committee of the International Domestic Workers' Federation, IDWF, held its first meeting following their founding Congress on June...

Featured image for - Philippines unions picket union-busting Citra Mina

Philippines unions picket union-busting Citra Mina


The Philippines national center SENTRO mobilized hundreds of members on June 19 to picket distribution outlets belonging to Citra Mina,...

Featured image for - IUF condemns new assassination attempt on a Colombian union leader

IUF condemns new assassination attempt on a Colombian union leader


The IUF joins with the Colombian national center CUT in condemning the attempted assassination of a trade union leader and...

Featured image for - IUF members oppose closure of 3 Danone plants in Italy, Germany and Hungary

IUF members oppose closure of 3 Danone plants in Italy, Germany and Hungary


Danone's intention to close 3 European factories producing dairy products - in Italy, Germany and Hungary - will destroy a...

Featured image for - Strike at Mondelez-SOTUBI in Tunisia

Strike at Mondelez-SOTUBI in Tunisia


The workers at the Saida biscuit factory in Ben Arous, south of Tunis, walked out for three days to demand...

Featured image for - Is hotel housekeepers’ health adequately protected by national and international law?

Is hotel housekeepers’ health adequately protected by national and international law?


Hotel housekeepers are exposed to numerous health risks, among them musculoskeletal strains and injuries, acute traumas, chemical exposure and the...

Featured image for - New PSI report highlights TISA threat to public services

New PSI report highlights TISA threat to public services


A new report from Public Services International exposes the threat to public services in the secret negotiations around the proposed...

Featured image for - Spanish unions beat back employer demands for more ‘flexibility’ in new agreement for Balearic Islands hotels and restaurants

Spanish unions beat back employer demands for more ‘flexibility’ in new agreement for Balearic Islands hotels and restaurants


The IUF-affiliated Spanish unions FECOHT-CCOO and SMC-UGT have rebuffed employer demands for greater flexibility in working time and outsourcing in...

Featured image for - Brazilian unions tell World Cup visitors: workers build Brazil and workers need change!

Brazilian unions tell World Cup visitors: workers build Brazil and workers need change!


A coalition of Brazil's national union confederations, acting through the umbrella Workers Trade Union Forum (Fórum Sindical dos Trabalhadores-FST), are...

Featured image for - Spain: High Court orders Coca-Cola Iberia Partners to reverse 1,190 firings and 4 plant closures

Spain: High Court orders Coca-Cola Iberia Partners to reverse 1,190 firings and 4 plant closures


On June 13 Spain’s High Court ordered the Spanish Coca-Cola Bottler CCIP to reverse its decision to fire 1,190 workers...