Featured image for - IDWF Statement: Protecting Domestic Workers and Fighting the Corona Pandemic

IDWF Statement: Protecting Domestic Workers and Fighting the Corona Pandemic


IDWF Statement on Protecting Domestic Workers and Fighting the Corona Pandemic

Featured image for - NYT article outlining the vulnerability of workers across sectors including fast food

NYT article outlining the vulnerability of workers across sectors including fast food


NYT article outlining the vulnerability of workers across sectors including fast food

Featured image for - UK: UNITE the Union Statement on COVID-19

UK: UNITE the Union Statement on COVID-19


UNITE the Union Statement on COVID-19

Featured image for - The Guardian article on the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector

The Guardian article on the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector


The Guardian article on the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector

Featured image for - IUF women around the world demand equality and ratification of C190

IUF women around the world demand equality and ratification of C190


On March 8, International Women's Day (IWD), IUF affiliates around the world took action to demand equality and to urge...

Featured image for - UK: UNITE statement on cooperative working in the food and drink industry

UK: UNITE statement on cooperative working in the food and drink industry


Click here to read UNITE statement on cooperative working in the food and drink industry.

Featured image for - USA: UNITE HERE letter to US government regarding workers in HRCT sector

USA: UNITE HERE letter to US government regarding workers in HRCT sector


Read here the letter from UNITEHERE! President D. Taylor to Senator McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi and Congressman McCarthy.

Featured image for - Marriott to pay 159 million USD dividend to shareholders on March 31st

Marriott to pay 159 million USD dividend to shareholders on March 31st


Please read here an article from the Wall Street Journal.

Featured image for - Italy: Union push wins national tripartite agreement on employment, health and safety

Italy: Union push wins national tripartite agreement on employment, health and safety


Italy: Union push wins national tripartite agreement on employment, health and safetyLisez l'article en français iciLea aquí el artículo en...

Featured image for - Italy: Union push wins national tripartite agreement on employment, health and safety

Italy: Union push wins national tripartite agreement on employment, health and safety


Unions in Italy, the European country hardest hit to date by the COVID-19 pandemic, have mobilized for strong measures to...

Featured image for - IUF Document on “extraordinary events”

IUF Document on “extraordinary events”


Recently the IUF has been involved in different meetings with the ILO, WHO and UNTWO about the COVID-19 outbreak. We...

Featured image for - Sweden: HRF tripartite agreement victory

Sweden: HRF tripartite agreement victory


Read here the HRF local tripartite agreement on short term lay-offs with governmental support.