What do the beverage companies do to fight back over obesity?

...their customers and workers who consume their products on the conditions that they either exercise to avoid obesity or pay charges in case of obesity! Resource of several cities: http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/d082ef1e-9634-11e1-9d9d-00144feab49a.html#axzz1uGJmi0eo...

Facts; The White Revolution of India

...made it possible to convert cooperatives into private companies. The presence of private interests in the dairy industry is new, since the dairy industry was previously a protected sector. Inconsequence,...

2012 Annual General Meeting of Danone

...an overview of the voting results per resolution and an integral video webcast of the AGM will be available on Danone’s corporate website (www.finance.danone.com) from Friday 27 April 2012 onwards....