Thailand: Reinstate KFC union activists now!

...a message to Yum! Thailand demanding that the three workers be immediately reinstated, and that the company stop intimidating workers and enter into negotiations with the union in good faith....

IUF global Kraft meeting sets union priorities

...and provide mutual solidarity and support. A steering group composed of key IUF affiliates within Kraft will facilitate this work.   The meeting expressed support to the members of the...

Completed OECD Guidelines update a work in progress

The updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises were officially adopted in Paris on May 25, opening up new potential for unions to make use of the procedures. The updated Guidelines...

UK Parliament report again slams Kraft

...payroll is growing, it is the tax division. Kraft unions must be alert to the company’s new tactic for restricting information necessary for collective bargaining and call their bluff. The...

Free Ivory Coast union leader Basile Mahan Gahé!

On April 26, Basile Mahan Gahé, general secretary of the national trade union center Dignité (whose food and hotel section is affiliated to the IUF), was arrested at his Abidjan...

Global cost-cutting offensive intensifies at Kraft employees) were given an ultimatum: “voluntarily” opt out of the scheme or face a 3-year pay freeze. Kraft management, in a by now familiar pattern, explained that they had...