What’s in Your Tea?

A new report is warning millions of tea drinkers in Britain that their breakfast cuppa may come from Indian workers toiling for 7p an hour – well below a living...

Whose Workplace? The ILO and Nestlé

...only training program mentioned in any detail in the latest Creating Shared Value is in fact the top-level management training program in Vevey. Had the interviewer been guided by the...

Auckland-Rendezvous Hotel lockout ended

...rooms a shift – well above the industry norm. Rendezvous Hotel workers get seven days sick leave in New Zealand, compared with hotel workers in Australia who get a minimum...

First Round Victory in ILO Fight for Domestic Workers

...domestic workers around the world was followed by ten days of tough negotiations around proposed amendments, particularly from the Employers’ Group seeking to considerably weaken the scope and content of...