Leitartikel: Illusion, Realität und der Quartalsbericht

...des staatlichen “Stresstests” für Bilanzen und einigten sich über die Ergebnisse dieser Tests, die für sie einer Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung gleichkamen. Goldman machte dann eine Kehrtwende und emittierte die Anleihen, die ihre...

Domestic Workers in Benin finally covered by labour code

...tasks as female workers, i.e. cooking, cleaning, ironing, looking after children, etc. In November 2008, FESYNDER organized a training seminar for SYNEMB/SEHM/BA within the framework of the IUF regional women’s...

Manufacturing Insecurity: Precarious Work as Corporate Strategy

...public relations hacks make their presentations, Nestlé corporate management has another presentation, a presentation which is restricted to training managers. This presentation carefully describes the types of employment relations within...

Editorial: China and the Global Sweatshop Lobby

...a state of permanent precariousness would be replaced by a standard period of no more than 6 months. Workers would no longer be liable for putative “training” costs when changing...