Featured image for - Unite Here settle contract with LSG Sky Chefs

Unite Here settle contract with LSG Sky Chefs


Airline catering workers employed by Sky Chefs have won an important new national contract in the United States. Under the...

Featured image for - Irish workers strike against outsourcing

Irish workers strike against outsourcing


Members of IUF affiliates Unite the Union and SIPTU took indefinite strike action on March 3 to protect 'permanent and...

Featured image for - BCTGM calls on US consumers to ‘check the label’

BCTGM calls on US consumers to ‘check the label’


The IUF affiliate BCTGM has launched a 'check the label' campaign as part of its fight to support their members...

Featured image for - Tuna workers organize to restrain reckless tuna companies in the Asia-Pacific

Tuna workers organize to restrain reckless tuna companies in the Asia-Pacific


Workers across the tuna industry are escalating the campaign to make sustainable jobs and respect for human rights an integral...

Featured image for - Arla to close fresh milk plant in the UK

Arla to close fresh milk plant in the UK


Dairy Cooperative Arla Foods has announced that it will close its fresh milk plant in Hatfield Peverel, Essex, by July...

Featured image for - PepsiCo campaign to re-launch for justice for PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers

PepsiCo campaign to re-launch for justice for PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers


For more than two years the IUF has called for the reinstatement and full restoration and guarantees of the human...

Featured image for - Unite tackles wage theft in New Zealand luxury hotels

Unite tackles wage theft in New Zealand luxury hotels


For the past four years, Unite has been investigating the way a number of well-known hotel brands make use of...

Featured image for - New Zealand union campaign wins ban on zero hours contracts

New Zealand union campaign wins ban on zero hours contracts


A long campaign by IUF affiliate Unite supported by all New Zealand unions has resulted in a unanimous vote in...

Featured image for - Save our jobs! Affiliates in Guyana fight closure of sugar estate

Save our jobs! Affiliates in Guyana fight closure of sugar estate


 Save our jobs - IUF affiliates in Guyana battle to save Wales estate where 1700 sugar workers' jobs are at...

Featured image for - Activists in Ukraine in solidarity with PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers

Activists in Ukraine in solidarity with PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers


The IUF-affiliated AIWU organized a seminar for union activists in Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk. Activists salute the ongoing and determined fight of...

Featured image for - Heineken unions support PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers’ fight

Heineken unions support PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers’ fight


IUF affiliates representing Heineken workers shared their solidarity with PepsiCo warehouse supplier workers who are still determined to win back...