Featured image for - HRCT affiliates team up to fight child sex tourism

HRCT affiliates team up to fight child sex tourism


Child sex tourism is a world plague that encompasses mainly the south-east Asian region, Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe....

Featured image for - Solidarity with hotel workers killed in Mogadishu terror attack

Solidarity with hotel workers killed in Mogadishu terror attack


The IUF has sent a message of solidarity to the Somali Hotel and Catering Workers Union, whose deputy general secretary...

Featured image for - India: Tea workers denounce agreement on starvation wages, continue fight for a living wage

India: Tea workers denounce agreement on starvation wages, continue fight for a living wage


Tea workers in West Bengal have rejected the tripartite wage agreement signed on February 20 that sets wages below the...

Featured image for - Maldives Sheraton workers take to the sea to demand their rights!

Maldives Sheraton workers take to the sea to demand their rights!


Union workers dismissed from Sheraton's Maldives luxury resort for demanding union recognition are not allowed on the company's private island...

Featured image for - Indonesian Accor Union Council joins global housekeepers initiative

Indonesian Accor Union Council joins global housekeepers initiative


The Accor Union Council of Indonesian IUF-affiliate FSPM will play an active part in the initiative to improve hotel housekeepers'...

Featured image for - Occupy McDonald’s Korea!

Occupy McDonald’s Korea!


Die koreanische Arbeit Workers' Union, die den Kampf gegen Missbräuche bei McDonald's Korea angeführt hat, krönte ihren 2. Kongress am...

Featured image for - Philippines: young workers target McDonald’s in campaign against zero hours contracts

Philippines: young workers target McDonald’s in campaign against zero hours contracts


Activists of the Alliance of Progressive Labor - Youth (members of the IUF-affiliated SENTRO) picketed a busy McDonald's outlet in...

Featured image for - Swiss UNIA says Shame on Sheraton!

Swiss UNIA says Shame on Sheraton!


The IUF's Swiss affiliate Unia organized an action in Geneva on February 12 to show support for the IUF's recently...