Featured image for - Korean union highlights plight of precarious women workers in housekeeping

Korean union highlights plight of precarious women workers in housekeeping


The Korean Federation of Private Service Workers Unions (KFSU) escalated the IUF global housekeeping campaign by bringing public attention to...

Featured image for - Teamsters strike ends at Indianapolis Pepsi plant

Teamsters strike ends at Indianapolis Pepsi plant


A 10-day strike involving about 350 IUF-affiliated Teamsters members who work at a PepsiCo bottling plant on the Northwest side...

Featured image for - Fast food workers from around the world come together to fight for their rights

Fast food workers from around the world come together to fight for their rights


Fast food workers around the world face the same issues of precarious work, low wages, and fierce opposition to union...

Featured image for - Pakistan: Actions continue to support dismissed PepsiCo warehouse workers in India

Pakistan: Actions continue to support dismissed PepsiCo warehouse workers in India


The IUF-affiliated Pakistan Food Workers Federation organized a rally to support Indian PepsiCo warehouse workers' struggle at the city of...

Featured image for - May Day celebrations in Pakistan, Korea, Indonesia and Philippines mark IUF campaign  for justice for PepsiCo warehouse workers

May Day celebrations in Pakistan, Korea, Indonesia and Philippines mark IUF campaign for justice for PepsiCo warehouse workers


IUF affiliates in Pakistan, Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines showed their solidarity with the ongoing struggle of PepsiCo warehouse workers...

Featured image for - Indonesia May Day March: Affiliates protest PepsiCo crushing a union in India

Indonesia May Day March: Affiliates protest PepsiCo crushing a union in India


IUF affiliates in Indonesia joined the May Day march with the banners of the PepsiCo campaign launched by the IUF.

Featured image for - New FLOC Campaign to Bring Justice to Tobacco Farm Workers

New FLOC Campaign to Bring Justice to Tobacco Farm Workers


Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) President Baldemar Velasquez appeared before British American Tobacco's shareholders' meeting in London on April 30...

Featured image for - Indian HEFOI activists for the Housekeepers initiative

Indian HEFOI activists for the Housekeepers initiative


On March 17, 14 union activists from the IUF-affiliated HEFOI Goa State Committee leafleted outside the Radisson Blu, in South...

Featured image for - Filipino trade unions support the PepsiCo campaign in May Day rally

Filipino trade unions support the PepsiCo campaign in May Day rally


Filipino Workers tell PepsiCo to stop crushing trade union rights in India during the May Day Celebration in Tacloban City,...

Featured image for - Korean unions protest ongoing human rights violations of PepsiCo in India

Korean unions protest ongoing human rights violations of PepsiCo in India


IUF Korean affiliates and KFSU affiliated Pizza Hut Labor Union showed their solidarity with the ongoing struggle of PepsiCo warehouse...

Featured image for - Workers in Pakistan call on PepsiCo to stop crushing human rights!

Workers in Pakistan call on PepsiCo to stop crushing human rights!


The IUF-affiliated Pakistan Food Workers Federation has shown solidarity with PepsiCo warehouse workers in India and organized a demonstration at...