New SEWA publication highlights women workers organizing

...describes recent organizing by women fish workers in the fishing communities of Kerala which links the right to livelihood with the struggle for sustainable fishing. Click here to download SEWARashtriyaPatrika.pdf...

PepsiComplicity postcard PepsiComplicitypostcard-e.pdf...

At last a global guide on banned pesticides and read before attempting to use the spreadsheet of countries. PAN warns that while every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in the consolidated list is...

Government of Iran preparing new anti-worker repression exercise by the Basij, a nation-wide paramilitary organization supported and funded by the governing authorities, in which protesting workers were attacked and arrested. This ominous story appeared after 28...

Government of Iran preparing new anti-worker repression exercise by the Basij, a nation-wide paramilitary organization supported and funded by the governing authorities, in which protesting workers were attacked and arrested. This ominous story appeared after 28...