Published: 19/08/2024

The Council of Global Unions LGBTI Initiative has recently published new training resources around ILO Convention 190 that focus on LGBTI workers, including a Facilitator’s Guide as well as a Participant’s Workbook, available in English and Spanish. This Guide is primarily for workers’ educators/facilitators and trade union staff who are organizing to challenge violence and harassment in the world of work and should be used in collaboration with Participant’s Workbook.

These training materials are designed to:

  • Encourage discussion about violence and harassment, and the disproportionate impact of violence and harassment on vulnerable groups, including LGBTQI+ workers
  • Raise awareness about C190 and R206 and their relevance for LGBTQI+ workers
  • Encourage workers and unions to take action around violence and harassment and integrate C190 into the union bargaining agenda
  • Enable the development of more inclusive unions and union spaces

Michele Kessler, IUF LGBTI Workers and Allies Committee Chair, stated, “We are proud and thrilled to see more resources for use in our LGBTI rights and equality work, and we are grateful to the Council of Global Unions for making these new training materials available to the global labour movement.”

We are proud and thrilled to see more resources for use in our LGBTI rights and equality work, and we are grateful to the Council of Global Unions for making these new training materials available to the global labour movement.
Michele Kessler, IUF LGBTI Workers and Allies Committee Chair