On January 22, FNV’s Cargill membership voted overwhelmingly in favor of accepting an improved collective bargaining offer from Cargill. The improved offer came after 3+ days of strikes by FNV’s Cargill membership across 4 factories in the Netherlands. During the strikes, the FNV used QR code technology to do contactless striker registrations, an added way to protect its striking members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Details of the new 2 year collective bargaining agreement include:
- A 3% wage increase with retroactive effect from August 1, 2020 and a 3% wage increase on August 1, 2021
- An extension of the social plan by 3 years from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023
- A 5-year early retirement scheme (excludes Cargill `IGMA’ workers) under the CBA
- 100% continued payment of wages during birth and adoption leave
FNV thanks the IUF, EFFAT and its affiliates who extended their solidarity during the strike.
IUF General Secretary Sue Longley celebrated the win: “The courage of the FNV strikers is a real inspiration, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the IUF sends its congratulations on this excellent settlement.”