Further deregulation puts US meat workers at risk
Human Rights Watch has released a major new report on policies that threaten to make the dangerous conditions for meatpacking workers in the United States even worse. The Trump administration wants to hand more autonomy to meat processors in setting line speeds. This can only increase the number of injuries and the pain and suffering that accompanies them.
The 100-page report “‘When We’re Dead and Buried, Our Bones Will Keep Hurting’: Workers’ Rights Under Threat in US Meat and Poultry Plants”, describes alarmingly high rates of serious injury and chronic illness among workers at chicken, hog, and cattle slaughtering and processing plants.
Human Rights Watch interviewed 49 current and former workers at chicken, pig, and cattle slaughtering and processing plants in several US states. Also interviewed were union and community leaders, health and safety specialists, lawyers and academics.
The IUF affiliated UFCW facilitated the work of Human Rights Watch in the development of the report.