Nestlé-FRONERI workers on strike in Germany!
Following the announcement of the company’s intention to cut jobs, wages and benefits, a first negotiation round took place in Uelzen on Friday, 6 October. While the NGG negotiating committee called for job security and guarantees, FRONERI simply repeated its intention to fire 188 workers and implement its horrific proposals. The demands are clear: FRONERI must commit to its social responsibilities and give up the notion of achieving Nestlé’s profit targets at the expense of its workers!
In response to the company’s bad faith, the NGG called a warning strike on Monday, 9 October, to take place over the 2 shifts, from 3:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
The IUF calls on affiliates to show their support! Please send solidarity messages to [email protected]. They will be forwarded to our sisters and brothers in Germany.