Featured image for - US: PepsiCo warned over “serious violations” at Frito-Lay plant

US: PepsiCo warned over “serious violations” at Frito-Lay plant


PepsiCo has been issued a warning letter by the US Food and Drug Administration over "serious violations" at its Tennessee...

Featured image for - Pepsi plant shuts down in Venezuela

Pepsi plant shuts down in Venezuela


A Pepsi factory in the city of Valencia said it shut down operations in August because it’s not able to...

Featured image for - Brazilian Senate hearing spotlights McDonald’s abuses

Brazilian Senate hearing spotlights McDonald’s abuses


Hearings in the Brazilian Senate on August 20 marked a significant escalation in the global campaign to hold McDonald's responsible...

Featured image for - IUF dairy unions highlight TPP threat to rights and livelihoods

IUF dairy unions highlight TPP threat to rights and livelihoods


Representatives of IUF dairy unions, meeting in San Francisco on August 26, highlighted the damaging potential of the Trans-Pacific Partnership...

Featured image for - India: “Don’t call me Room Boy!” say hotel housekeepers fighting for respect

India: “Don’t call me Room Boy!” say hotel housekeepers fighting for respect


Union members from six hotels in southern India joined the "Make My Workplace Safe" educational workshop in Bangalore on August...

Featured image for - Fast food workers in the Philippines protest McDonald’s wage theft

Fast food workers in the Philippines protest McDonald’s wage theft


On August 12 - International Youth Day - young fast food workers in the Philippines mobilized to protest against the...

Featured image for - USA: BCTGM members ratify new agreement at Kellogg

USA: BCTGM members ratify new agreement at Kellogg


After a 22-month-long struggle - which included the 10-month lock-out of 226 BCTGM members in Memphis - a new collective...

Featured image for - Rescued Citra Mina fishing workers launch union-owned ‘Worker Safe’ training boats

Rescued Citra Mina fishing workers launch union-owned ‘Worker Safe’ training boats


Five months after internationally coordinated action by IUF and SENTRO secured the release and repatriation of 43 fishing crew detained...

Featured image for - Agricultural and plantation workers’ unions call for paraquat ban in India

Agricultural and plantation workers’ unions call for paraquat ban in India


On August 5 agricultural and plantation unions from ten states in India joined the "Goodbye Paraquat!" meeting organized by the...

Featured image for - McDonald’s Italy: no room for unions on the menu

McDonald’s Italy: no room for unions on the menu


McDonald's Italy workers and their unions are fighting the company's dismissal of 4 union workers following the closure of its...