Featured image for - “Make Up My Workplace!” Ein existenzsichernder Lohn in der Tourismusindustrie in Asien aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht

“Make Up My Workplace!” Ein existenzsichernder Lohn in der Tourismusindustrie in Asien aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht


Auszug aus einer Präsentation des IUL-Regionalsekretärs für die Region Asien/Pazifik zu "One way ticket out of poverty?" (Weg aus der...

Featured image for - European unions plan for better quality industrial relations in fisheries and aquaculture

European unions plan for better quality industrial relations in fisheries and aquaculture


The IUF Italian affiliate FLAI-CGIL hosted a European fish industry conference on November 13-14, 2014 to discuss the findings of...

Featured image for - “Make Up My Workplace!” A trade union perspective on a living wage in the tourism industry in Asia

“Make Up My Workplace!” A trade union perspective on a living wage in the tourism industry in Asia


Excerpted from a presentation by IUF Asia/Pacific Regional Secretary to "One way ticket out of poverty?" A seminar on sustainable...

Featured image for - JBS strengthens its dominance of Australian meat industry

JBS strengthens its dominance of Australian meat industry


JBS, the world's largest meat processor, and the largest distributor of fresh meat products in Australia, has announced the acquisition...

Featured image for - Nestlé defies Korean Supreme Court and provokes strike

Nestlé defies Korean Supreme Court and provokes strike


Workers at the Nestlé/Lotte joint venture went on strike on 13 November after the company refused to accept a Supreme...

Featured image for - Unions back biggest protest yet against TPPA in New Zealand

Unions back biggest protest yet against TPPA in New Zealand


Thousands of people took to the streets in 17 locations around New Zealand on November 8 to show their opposition...

Featured image for - Belgian unions reject austerity, protests to continue and escalate

Belgian unions reject austerity, protests to continue and escalate


Belgian trade unions brought 130,000 people from across the country on to the streets of Brussels November 6 to condemn...

Featured image for - Trans-Atlantic solidarity for union activist dismissed by Hormel

Trans-Atlantic solidarity for union activist dismissed by Hormel


The IUF Danish affiliate NNF expressed solidarity with Jen Pulaski and the UFCW by publicizing her case to members and...

Featured image for - IUF global housekeeping campaign gives workers hope in Pakistan

IUF global housekeeping campaign gives workers hope in Pakistan


In Lahore, Pakistan, 55 housekeepers make up 600 rooms at the five star Pearl Continental Hotel. Only 17 of the...

Featured image for - OSH laws for housekeepers – under the spotlight in Argentina, India and Indonesia

OSH laws for housekeepers – under the spotlight in Argentina, India and Indonesia


Yale Law School has conducted a study for UNITE HERE on if and how health and safety legislation is applied...

Featured image for - Nestle dismisses 28 workers in Turkey after protest at collective bargaining outcome

Nestle dismisses 28 workers in Turkey after protest at collective bargaining outcome


IUF affiliate Tekgida-Is protested the dismissal of 28 workers by the Swiss based food and beverage giant, Nestle, outside the...