Featured image for - New Zealand: NZCTU: COVID-19 and Your Work Rights

New Zealand: NZCTU: COVID-19 and Your Work Rights


COVID-19 and Your Work Rights

Featured image for - Australia: UWU: Workers’ Plan to Survive COVID-19 Crisis: No Lay-offs, Income Guarantee, Tax Relief and Rent/Mortgage Freezes

Australia: UWU: Workers’ Plan to Survive COVID-19 Crisis: No Lay-offs, Income Guarantee, Tax Relief and Rent/Mortgage Freezes


Workers’ Plan to Survive COVID-19 Crisis: No Lay-offs, Income Guarantee, Tax Relief and Rent/Mortgage Freezes

Featured image for - India: SEWA: Safety and Security Campaign

India: SEWA: Safety and Security Campaign


Read here about the SEWA Safety and Security Campaign

Featured image for - USA: RWDSU: COVID-19 Resources

USA: RWDSU: COVID-19 Resources


Click here to access the RWDSU COVID-19 resources hub

Featured image for - Japan: JTUC-RENGO: Updates on COVID-19

Japan: JTUC-RENGO: Updates on COVID-19


RENGO’s Requests on Maintaining and Securing the Whole Supply-ChainRENGO’s Urgent Requests to Chief Cabinet Secretary on the Novel Coronavirus response

Featured image for - Turkey: DİSK: Key articles on COVID-19

Turkey: DİSK: Key articles on COVID-19


Read here key articles on DİSK website on COVID-19

Featured image for - Belgium: FGTB HORVAL: Key articles on COVID-19

Belgium: FGTB HORVAL: Key articles on COVID-19


FGTB HORVAL key articles on COVID-19:French: CORONAVIRUS: Pas de « pouvoirs spéciaux » pour casser la législation socialeFlemish: Volmachten voor...

Featured image for - Netherlands: FNV: Tripartite statement of Committee of “Unity and Decisiveness” on COVID-19

Netherlands: FNV: Tripartite statement of Committee of “Unity and Decisiveness” on COVID-19


Click here to read FNV Tripartite statement of Committee of “Unity and Decisiveness” on COVID-19

Featured image for - Europe: EFFAT: Updates on COVID-19

Europe: EFFAT: Updates on COVID-19


Read here EFFAT updates on COVID-19

Featured image for - USA: Teamsters (IBT): Teamster Safety and Health Department Factsheet on COVID-19

USA: Teamsters (IBT): Teamster Safety and Health Department Factsheet on COVID-19


Teamster Safety and Health Department Factsheet on COVID-19

Featured image for - Guyana: GAWU: Demands for workers on sugar plantations

Guyana: GAWU: Demands for workers on sugar plantations


Read here the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) demands for workers on sugar plantations.

Featured image for - Japan: UA Zensen response to COVID-19 (in Japanese)

Japan: UA Zensen response to COVID-19 (in Japanese)


UA Zensen response to COVID-19 (in Japanese)