Featured image for - Women’s workplace health and safety must get more attention

Women’s workplace health and safety must get more attention


Trade unions are key to making workplaces safer and healthier for all workers but often women's occupational health and safety...

Featured image for - Way clear (for now) for Austria’s glyphosate ban to take effect on January 1

Way clear (for now) for Austria’s glyphosate ban to take effect on January 1


Neither the European Commission nor EU member states have formally challenged the ban on glyphosate adopted by Austria's parliament in...

Featured image for - Marriott’s “sustainability” program hurts housekeepers

Marriott’s “sustainability” program hurts housekeepers


In recent years, hotel companies have launched programs that encourage guests to decline housekeeping services in exchange for a voucher...

Featured image for - Mondelez India stalls collective bargaining to pressure workers into job cuts

Mondelez India stalls collective bargaining to pressure workers into job cuts


Mondelez India management is stalling collective bargaining in Gwalior, India in an effort to pressure permanent workers and their union...

Featured image for - Australia: strike and solidarity win new agreement for women cheese workers

Australia: strike and solidarity win new agreement for women cheese workers


Workers at Jindi Cheese in Victoria, owned by French-based dairy transnational Lactalis, have ended their 15-day strike by unanimously voting...

Featured image for - Mass action by airline catering workers at U.S. airports

Mass action by airline catering workers at U.S. airports


Thousands of airline catering workers demonstrated at 17 major airports across the United States on November 26 to demand a...

Featured image for - Strikes, protests and solidarity mark fast food workers’ global action week

Strikes, protests and solidarity mark fast food workers’ global action week


November 11-17 was a week of global action for fast food workers fighting for union rights and recognition, better pay...

Featured image for - Lactalis women workers in Australia on strike for equality

Lactalis women workers in Australia on strike for equality


Women cheese packers at Lactalis-owned Jindi Cheese in Victoria, Australia are on strike for pay equality with men at other...

Featured image for - Union tools to combat violence and harassment in the world of work

Union tools to combat violence and harassment in the world of work


The adoption of an International Convention (C190) and its Recommendation (R206) on the elimination of violence and harassment in the...

Featured image for - Hotel Housekeepers around the world rising up for their rights

Hotel Housekeepers around the world rising up for their rights


Hotel housekeepers around the world showed their determination to claim their rights in the course of the IUF 6th Global...

Featured image for - C190 Material

C190 Material

Featured image for - More women, more inclusion, more equality: historic agreement between Banacol, Sintrainagro, and IUF Latin America

More women, more inclusion, more equality: historic agreement between Banacol, Sintrainagro, and IUF Latin America


On November 13 in Medellín, Banacol, Colombia's largest banana producer, the IUF-affiliated agricultural workers union SINTRAINAGRO and IUF Latin America...