Featured image for - Sugar union leader murdered in Colombia

Sugar union leader murdered in Colombia


Alberto Román Acosta González, president of the Guacarí SINTRAINAGRO branch in Colombia's Valle del Cauca, was fatally shot by gunmen...

Featured image for - Inaugural IUF Food Processing Conference

Inaugural IUF Food Processing Conference


On June 26 and 27, 2017, IUF affiliates from 11 countries gathered in Chicago to begin to develop a joint...

Featured image for - Collective bargaining wins at Nestlé

Collective bargaining wins at Nestlé


IUF affiliates in Nicaragua, Switzerland and Germany have negotiated significant wins at Nestlé

Featured image for - Unions mobilize against the Spanish government’s ongoing attack on the right to strike

Unions mobilize against the Spanish government’s ongoing attack on the right to strike


In Spain, the right-wing government of Mariano Rajoy continues its assault on the right to strike. Sixteen months after 8...

Featured image for - IUF, international support for independent unions in Algeria fighting for rights and challenging repression

IUF, international support for independent unions in Algeria fighting for rights and challenging repression


The IUF organized a demonstration and press conference  in Geneva on June 13 to highlight ongoing, brutal violations of fundamental...

Featured image for - New actions in campaign against precarious work at Phillips Seafood plant in Indonesia

New actions in campaign against precarious work at Phillips Seafood plant in Indonesia


On June 10 and 12 workers at the Phillips Seafood plant held actions coinciding with US management's planned visit to...

Featured image for - NGG achieves important protections for migrant workers in Germany

NGG achieves important protections for migrant workers in Germany


As a result of campaigning by the IUF affiliate NGG, meat-processing employers must now assume liability for the actions of...

Featured image for - Something rotten in the world’s largest meat company

Something rotten in the world’s largest meat company


Joesley and Wesley Batista, majority owners and controllers of JBS, have admitted bribing politicians and in a deal with prosecutors...

Featured image for - New York City fast-food workers win scheduling rights

New York City fast-food workers win scheduling rights


The mayor of New York has signed a package of bills benefitting some 65,000 fast food workers, the key component...

Featured image for - New Zealand McDonald’s workers gain new collective agreement

New Zealand McDonald’s workers gain new collective agreement


Members of the IUF-affiliated Unite Union in New Zealand have overwhelmingly endorsed the agreement reached by the bargaining group and...

Featured image for - Indonesia: Phillips Seafood workers continue fighting for permanent employment

Indonesia: Phillips Seafood workers continue fighting for permanent employment


Members of the IUF-affiliated SBPSI representing workers at the Phillips Seafood plant in Lampung, Indonesia, held a mass demonstration in...

Featured image for - North American IUF Affiliates rally at Mondelez shareholder meeting

North American IUF Affiliates rally at Mondelez shareholder meeting


On May 17, members from North American IUF affiliates BCTGM and UFCW rallied in advance of the Mondelez shareholder meeting...