Published: 29/07/2024

Despite record profits, not only are workers not receiving their fair share, but they continue to endure harsh working conditions across the Spanish tourism industry. At a meeting held on July 23, IUF affiliates reminded the Minister of Industry and Tourism that despite unprecedented growth in visitors and profitability, there is no equitable distribution of profits.

  • Despite the Government’s successful labour reform, the Spanish tourism sector continues to be defined by precarious jobs, low salaries, and unpaid work, all of which make any work-life balance impossible
  • This situation disproportionately affects women, the majority of the workforce (55%) and the lowest paid
  • The unions also warned of the impact of excessive temperatures in the workplace (e.g. kitchens) as well as work-related stress which cause serious musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial risks; they also reiterated the need for legal solutions including the possibility of establishing early retirement for people working in housekeeping

IUF affiliates CC.OO Servicios and FeSMC-UGT expressed the demand that as the sector continues its unprecedented growth, the profits must be fairly distributed, and the sector must be environmentally and socially sustainable. Union-led initiatives such as Fair Hotels are key to building a more socially responsible tourism sector. The Minister of Tourism reaffirmed his support and commitment to this important initiative.

Union-led initiatives such as Fair Hotels are key to building a more socially responsible tourism sector!