Published: 06/06/2024

The International Labour Organization office for Uganda and Tanzania has reached an agreement with the IUF affiliate HTS-Union to exclusively patronize hotels that recognize HTS-Union and have collective bargaining agreements with the union.

  • The commitment covers 61 hotels and safari lodges across the different regions of Uganda
  • HTS-Union will update and transmit the list quarterly

Richard Moses Mauku, General Secretary of HTS-Union, stated “This engagement by the ILO office reflects the mandate to promote trade union rights and collective bargaining. This agreement will aid HTS-Union to effectively represent more workers in the HRCT sector and thus improve union density and strength. We hope the rest of the ILO will follow suit.”

This engagement by the ILO office reflects the mandate to promote trade union rights and collective bargaining. This agreement will aid HTS-Union to effectively represent more workers in the HRCT sector and thus improve union density and strength. We hope the rest of the ILO will follow suit.
Richard Moses Mauku, General Secretary, HTS-Union