Domestic Workers honoured at AFL-CIO Convention

...can follow the ceremony and listen to the speeches by clicking here On the IDWN web site, you can also read about the launch of the African regional network...

Domestic violence clause in AMWU agreement with Heinz

...workplace safety strategies to ensure protection of employees, referral to appropriate domestic violence support services, adequate training of contact persons. In a statement to the UN in New York on...

Caged chickens, caged workers

...received less than two hours of manual handling training with 37% saying they have had no such training at all. 40% of workers said they had no food handling training....

Restructuring at Nestlé Waters Germany

...thanks all IUF affiliates who sent solidarity messages during the Neuselters struggle and reports that this support helped them obtain a better redundancy plan for their members, including a training...

McDonald’s workers in Israel demand their rights

...years: unpaid sick leave, unpaid training, and organized travel haven’t been reimbursed as required by law. Last year 7,396 young workers joined the union – two recent McDonald’s members sign...