Published: 01/07/2024

As part of LGBTI Pride month, the Council of Global Unions LGBTI Coordinating Committee recently convened speakers from the United Nations, trade unions and civil society organizations for an online event entitled, “Forward despite the backlash: LGBTI rights and the freedom of association.” Against the backdrop of the current anti-LGBTI backlash, the webinar delved into the complexities of advocating for LGBTI rights in the face of increasing global restrictions on the freedom of association and highlighted a growing global effort to uphold and advance the rights of the LGBTI community amidst rising authoritarianism.

Professor Graeme Reid, UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), presented a new report, recently submitted to the UN Human Rights Council, which shows alarming trends of state-enforced laws across the world that not only suppress LGBTI expressions but also instigate violence and discrimination: States in all regions have intensified efforts to enforce restrictive laws, leading to a chilling climate of fear and self-censorship among LGBTI individuals.” Professor Reid highlighted the dual harm these laws cause by violating human rights and fostering a hostile environment that often precedes violence.

Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association underscored that these freedoms are the bedrock of democracy, highlighting the detrimental effects of marginalisation and the alarming trend of using LGBTI issues as pretexts for restricting the rights of minority groups: You cannot build peaceful societies if all its members, including minorities, are not allowed to benefit from these rights,Volue concluded.

Powerful testimonies from LGBTI trade unionist and civil society leaders provided regional insights and shared personal experiences that underscored the global urgency of the issue:

  • Marvellous Tawomhera, National Young Workers Chairperson for the IUF affiliate, the Zimbabwe Catering and Hotel Workers Union (CHWU), highlighted the contrast between legal progress and societal resistance in Africa: While some countries like South Africa have embraced equality, others continue to impose severe penalties on the LGBTI community.
  • Laya B. Ferrer, Education and Information Officer at the Associated Labor Unions (ALU-TUCP) in the Philippines, an IndustriALL affiliate, addressed workplace discrimination, noting thatLGBTI workers often face verbal and physical harassment which affects their mental health and job performance.”
  • Keturah Johnson, International Vice President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) in the USA, an International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) affiliate, shared sector-specific challenges and the union’s efforts to combat discrimination: “Our union has long fought against discrimination based on gender identity and expression, and we continue to push for respect and safe work environments for all our members.”
  • Brazil’s Rafael Mesquita, President of the Ceará Journalists’ Union (Sindjorce) and director of the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ), an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliate, discussed the role of journalism and the media in advancing LGBTI rights: “In Brazil, despite legislative stagnation, we have made strides in integrating LGBTI protections into collective agreements.”
  • ILGA World representative Guillermo Ricalde discussed the significant role trade unions play in advocating for LGBTI rights, noting their historical and ongoing contributions to enhancing visibility and protection for LGBTI workers: Our collaboration with trade unions has been instrumental in advancing LGBTI rights, despite facing substantial barriers from legal restrictions and employer practices that hinder union activities.”

IUF General Secretary Sue Longley moderated the event and emphasized the collective challenge and responsibility to combat discrimination not just within the labour movement but across societies. “Today’s discussions reinforce our commitment to defending freedom of association for all communities.”

Today’s discussions reinforce our commitment to defending freedom of association for all communities.
Sue Longley, IUF General Secretary