Germany: Nestlé workers fight and win!

...close the factory by the end of 2017. According to the company, the decision was taken because the factory no longer corresponded to “today’s requirements for a modern, efficient coffee...

Uberizing logistics?

...Inc. gets into the freight market through its acquisition of Otto.” Uber’s expansion into freight transportation aims beyond eliminating fixed employment in road transport; the company ultimately seeks to eliminate...

NZ Meat Workers Union wins again in Court

After the New Zealand Employment Court ruled last February that the Talleys/AFFCO brutal 5 month lockout of union members was illegal, the company appealed the decision to the Court of...

Mondelez unions come together to defend union jobs

...and layoffs. IUF member unions from the company’s major markets came together in Chicago for two days September 20-21 to strengthen international trade union organization within the company. MondelezChicagodemo.JPG MondelezChicagodemo2.jpg...