Featured image for - Young IUF leaders come together in Geneva

Young IUF leaders come together in Geneva


IUF young workers from across the world, representing their regions, trade groups and committees, gathered in Geneva on April 1,...

Featured image for - Canada: Unions win paid leave, support for victims of domestic violence

Canada: Unions win paid leave, support for victims of domestic violence


In response to ongoing union campaigns for paid leave and improved support for victims of domestic violence and abuse, Canada's...

Featured image for - Management stands by as thugs assault union members at Perfetti Van Melle factory in Bangladesh

Management stands by as thugs assault union members at Perfetti Van Melle factory in Bangladesh


On April 9, thugs supplied by a labour contractor at Netherlands-based global confectioner Perfetti Van Melle's factory in Gazipur, Bangladesh...

Featured image for - JustTourism: a union web portal in the global hospitality sector promoting fair hotels

JustTourism: a union web portal in the global hospitality sector promoting fair hotels


JustTourism is a new web portal maintained by IUF members in the global hospitality sector providing updated information on hotels...

Featured image for - IUF EC calls for action on homophobic legislation in Brunei

IUF EC calls for action on homophobic legislation in Brunei


The IUF Executive Committee (EC) has condemned the introduction of new legislation in Brunei mandating death by stoning for homosexual...

Featured image for - “Goodbye Paraquat from My Village!” 48 villages declared paraquat free in northeastern Thailand as local movement grows

“Goodbye Paraquat from My Village!” 48 villages declared paraquat free in northeastern Thailand as local movement grows


On March 28, 2019,  the Network in Support of Banning Dangerous Chemicals - a coalition of farmers, environmentalists, consumer groups, and...

Featured image for - Maldives: Hotel resort workers highlight need for legal minimum wage in national elections

Maldives: Hotel resort workers highlight need for legal minimum wage in national elections


In the lead-up to national parliamentary elections on April 6, the IUF-affiliated Tourism Employees Association of Maldives (TEAM) organized protest...

Featured image for - IUF welcomes the first UN resolution on rights of intersex persons

IUF welcomes the first UN resolution on rights of intersex persons


On March 22, 2019 the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted without a vote a resolution on the elimination of...

Featured image for - International solidarity with Jasic workers and supporters jailed in China

International solidarity with Jasic workers and supporters jailed in China


Unions in Asia have rallied in support of the more than 40 workers and their supporters jailed and '"disappeared" in...

Featured image for - Occupational health and safety for young workers

Occupational health and safety for young workers


Most workers will encounter health and safety hazards during their working lives. However, young workers are particularly vulnerable to occupational...

Featured image for - Nestlé workers at Romanian factory slated for closure reject settlement offer

Nestlé workers at Romanian factory slated for closure reject settlement offer


Nestlé announced in January its intention to close its Timisoara coffee and confectionery factory in western Romania, which currently employs...

Featured image for - Workers at Nestlé’s Osem in Israel demonstrate against the threat of mass dismissal

Workers at Nestlé’s Osem in Israel demonstrate against the threat of mass dismissal


On 13 March workers at the Nestlé-owned Osem group in Israel, who are unionised in the Histadrut, started demonstrations on...