Occupational health and safety for young workers

...often lack experience, training and awareness of H&S risks. Many young workers are also employed in fixed term, precarious and/or informal work arrangements, which increase their exposure to H&S hazards....

IUF LGBTI Workers and Allies Committee logo

Please find here the IUF LGBTI Workers and Allies Committee logo. We encourage IUF affiliates to download this logo and use it in their union activities around LGBTI workers’ rights....

Panama: Unions present joint proposal to AB InBev

...are prepared, and we remain united in our efforts to achieve a positive result for all”, he concluded. Please find in the following link the original Spanish story: http://www.rel-uita.org/sindicatos/sindicatos-presentan-propuesta-conjun…  ...

How did Heineken perform in 2018? – results data

...improvements and constantly reassessing our spending behaviour. Going into 2019, we expect the environment to remain uncertain and volatile.” To read Heineken’s official results announcement, click the following link: https://www.theheinekencompany.com/Media/Media-Releases/Press-releases/2…...

Honduras: AB InBev does not respect collective bargaining agreement

...with the mobilizations and will ask the labor authorities to take action on the matter. Please find the original Spanish story posted on the IUF’s Latin America region website: http://www.rel-uita.org/honduras/ab-inbev-incumple-convenio-colectivo/...