Nordic Hotel and Restaurant Unions demand #FairHousekeeping

...properly Regular consultation on working conditions and close collaboration between management and housekeepers Appropriate working tools and protections to reduce injuries Improved information, instructions, and training on workplace hazards FairHousekeeping.jpg...

Dignity for hotel housekeepers?

...percent are suffering from pain that they believe to be work-related and 7 percent of all women have experienced sexual harassment. You can download the survey here. HRFlogo.png HRF_HotelHousekeepersQuestionnaireResults_jan_2017.pdf HRFSurvey3.jpg...

What’s driving Mondelēz?

...latest IUF Mondelez Union Network: click here to read, download and distribute! Mondelez Fall 2016 Final-e.pdf Mondelez draft press release-e.pdf Mondelez draft press release-f.pdf Mondelez press release-d.pdf Mondelez press release-es.pdf...