Featured image for - C190 and R206: tools for reshaping the world of work

C190 and R206: tools for reshaping the world of work


June 21, 2020 is the first anniversary of the International Labour Conference's adoption of Convention 190 (C190) and Recommendation 206...

Featured image for - C190 y R206: herramientas para repensar el mundo del trabajo

C190 y R206: herramientas para repensar el mundo del trabajo


El 21 de junio de 2020 se cumple un año de que la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo aprobó el Convenio...

Featured image for - Journée internationale des travailleurs-euses domestiques 2020 : Les travailleurs-euses domestiques exigent droits et protection !

Journée internationale des travailleurs-euses domestiques 2020 : Les travailleurs-euses domestiques exigent droits et protection !


Le 16 juin 2020, l’UITA et ses affiliées célèbrent la Journée internationale des travailleurs-euses domestiques en solidarité avec les employé-e-s...

Featured image for - Día Mundial de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del hogar de 2020: ¡Reivindican protección y derechos esenciales!

Día Mundial de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del hogar de 2020: ¡Reivindican protección y derechos esenciales!


El 16 de junio de 2020, Día Internacional de  Trabajadoras y Trabajadores del hogar, la UITA y sus afiliadas se...

Featured image for - International union coalition demands action to combat sexual harassment at McDonald’s restaurants

International union coalition demands action to combat sexual harassment at McDonald’s restaurants


The IUF and our regional European organization EFFAT-IUF have joined with the IUF-affiliated SEIU in the USA and Canada and...

Featured image for - International Nurses Day 2020 – support PSI’s call for universal public health care!

International Nurses Day 2020 – support PSI’s call for universal public health care!


The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the deadly consequences of decades of reducing, privatizing and outsourcing public health services. Health workers...

Featured image for - Burkina Faso: IUF affiliates take the lead in organizing worker safety and protection

Burkina Faso: IUF affiliates take the lead in organizing worker safety and protection


Since the first appearance of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso, the national IUF Women's Committee and the IUF national Coordination Committee...

Featured image for - Uganda flower workers’ union fighting against total collapse

Uganda flower workers’ union fighting against total collapse


Uganda's Horticultural, Industrial, Service Providers and Allied Workers' Union (UHISPAWU) is fighting to protect thousands of workers on flower farms...

Featured image for - We cannot let domestic violence accompany the spread of COVID-19

We cannot let domestic violence accompany the spread of COVID-19


During the last 12 months, more than one in five women in the world has been the victim of violence...

Featured image for - India: Women’s Water and Sanitation Committees fight to secure water facilities on tea plantations

India: Women’s Water and Sanitation Committees fight to secure water facilities on tea plantations


Workers from tea plantations who have migrated to other states in India to work in hotels, restaurants, plantations, construction and...