Featured image for - Uganda flower workers’ union fighting against total collapse

Uganda flower workers’ union fighting against total collapse


Uganda's Horticultural, Industrial, Service Providers and Allied Workers' Union (UHISPAWU) is fighting to protect thousands of workers on flower farms...

Featured image for - We cannot let domestic violence accompany the spread of COVID-19

We cannot let domestic violence accompany the spread of COVID-19


During the last 12 months, more than one in five women in the world has been the victim of violence...

Featured image for - India: Women’s Water and Sanitation Committees fight to secure water facilities on tea plantations

India: Women’s Water and Sanitation Committees fight to secure water facilities on tea plantations


Workers from tea plantations who have migrated to other states in India to work in hotels, restaurants, plantations, construction and...

Featured image for - IUF women around the world demand equality and ratification of C190

IUF women around the world demand equality and ratification of C190


On March 8, International Women's Day (IWD), IUF affiliates around the world took action to demand equality and to urge...

Featured image for - Philippines: NUHWRAIN-SENTRO-IUF convention calls for the elimination of violence against women and ratification of C190

Philippines: NUHWRAIN-SENTRO-IUF convention calls for the elimination of violence against women and ratification of C190


NUHWRAIN-SENTRO-IUF convention calls for the elimination of violence against women and ratification of C190.   

Featured image for - ‘Making women visible in occupational health and safety’, a new IUF resource

‘Making women visible in occupational health and safety’, a new IUF resource


Trade unions help make workplaces safer and healthier for all workers, women and men, but often women's occupational health and...

Featured image for - Union tools to combat violence and harassment in the world of work

Union tools to combat violence and harassment in the world of work


The adoption of an International Convention (C190) and its Recommendation (R206) on the elimination of violence and harassment in the...

Featured image for - Women in trade unions to change society

Women in trade unions to change society


A training workshop on gender equality and trade unions was held in San Jose, Costa Rica from 5 to 7...