Published: 25/07/2024

Rel-UITA, the IUF’s Latin American regional organization, together with the family of Sônia Maria de Jesús, has launched a major campaign that is garnering international attention: #SoniaLivre.

  • Sônia Maria de Jesús is a black, deaf, Brazilian, woman, domestic worker who for more than 40 years has worked in the home of a prominent Brazilian magistrate, having first been hired as a child laborer, denied any education (including access to Brazilian Sign Language), and deprived of her rights for almost her entire life
  • While briefly rescued from the magistrate’s home, she has once again been imprisoned in that home, and the IUF is joining with Rel-UITA in calling for the immediate release of Sônia Maria de Jesús to her family
  • To learn more about the campaign, please click HERE.

“There are many Sônias out there: Sônia is a woman, a black woman, a person with a disability, a victim of child labor and slave-like work, she is a domestic worker. In short, Sônia is the face of Brazil.”

Rel-UITA/IUF Latin America

There are many Sônias out there: Sônia is a woman, a black woman, a person with a disability, a victim of child labor and slave-like work, she is a domestic worker. In short, Sônia is the face of Brazil.
Rel-UITA/IUF Latin America