Cadbury 5 gain support in Switzerland

...Mohammed Hassan and Hussein Ahmed spoke before a group of activists and trade unionists gathered in Bern on 20 November. The event, organised jointly by the IUF and our Swiss...

Danone Signs Deal to Invest in Russian Dairy Farms

French food group Danone signed a deal recently to co-fund the construction of dairy farms alongside Russian firm Damate to try to secure long-term milk supplies in the fast-growing Russian...

Domestic Workers of the World Unite! The IDWF will seek the authorization of the IUF governing bodies to establish a special group within the IUF. With the support of the organizing committee, which included the...

IUF policy for the tourism sector

...AGAINST CHILD EXPLOITATION IN TOURISM which provides specific languages for trade unions when negotiating with employers and employers’ associations on this specific issue. Endorsed during 2014 HRCT Trade Group Board...