Featured image for - World Food Day – Oct 16: Decent work is key to food security

World Food Day – Oct 16: Decent work is key to food security


To mark World Food day, 2009, IUF is calling on all UN agencies and inter-governmental organisations working on food security...

Featured image for - Settlement Ends 3-Year Dispute over Unilever India Mumbai Closure

Settlement Ends 3-Year Dispute over Unilever India Mumbai Closure


In October 2006, the IUF launched an international campaign in support of the workers at Unilever's Sewri factory in Mumbai...

Featured image for - Coca-Cola Hellenic: Workers pay, Shareholders profit from crisis

Coca-Cola Hellenic: Workers pay, Shareholders profit from crisis


Members of the IUF-affiliated SIPTU, which organizes workers at Coca Cola HBC Ireland, have been on strike against the outsourcing...

Featured image for - Shame, Unilever, Shame! Australian Unions demand justice for casual Lipton workers in Pakistan

Shame, Unilever, Shame! Australian Unions demand justice for casual Lipton workers in Pakistan


Unions NSW (the organisation representing trade unions in the state of New South Wales) led a protest at the Australasian...