Featured image for - IUF calls on ILO to help secure wage arrears for hungry sugar workers in Iran

IUF calls on ILO to help secure wage arrears for hungry sugar workers in Iran


The IUF has called for the urgent intervention of the ILO to help secure unpaid wages owed the 5,000 workers...

Featured image for - IUF and Danone to begin negotiations on new agreement to protect against negative employment consequences of COVID-19

IUF and Danone to begin negotiations on new agreement to protect against negative employment consequences of COVID-19


The IUF and Danone have committed to opening negotiations on measures to support workers and mitigate potentially negative employment consequences...

Featured image for - Zimbabwe: FFAWUZ: “Zimbabwean Food Industry Inspected for COVID Compliance”

Zimbabwe: FFAWUZ: “Zimbabwean Food Industry Inspected for COVID Compliance”


FFAWUZ COVID-19 integrated inspections on the level of complianceZimbabwean food industry inspected for Covid compliance

Featured image for - Guardian article: “From hunger to abuse: how COVID-19 has affected women worldwide”

Guardian article: “From hunger to abuse: how COVID-19 has affected women worldwide”


From hunger to abuse: how Covid-19 has affected women worldwide

Featured image for - Thousands Strike for Black Lives across the U.S.

Thousands Strike for Black Lives across the U.S.


On July 20, at least 20,000 workers in 160 U.S. cities walked off the job to protest systemic racism, violence...

Featured image for - UFCW wins breakthrough agreement with Cargill

UFCW wins breakthrough agreement with Cargill


Over 7,000 Cargill workers who are members of UFCW Locals 2, 293 and 540 recently ratified strong, new contracts that...

Featured image for - Panama: Protests against abuses by AB InBev

Panama: Protests against abuses by AB InBev


The rights violations by the transnational brewery are not limited to the conflicts in Honduras and El Salvador. Now they...

Featured image for - International trade union declaration: ‘We stand in full solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Algeria fighting for trade union and democratic rights’

International trade union declaration: ‘We stand in full solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Algeria fighting for trade union and democratic rights’


Nine international trade union organizations including the IUF have joined together "to  express their full solidarity and support for the...

Featured image for - El Salvador: AB InBev puts profit before life

El Salvador: AB InBev puts profit before life


AB InBev's subsidiary La Constancia LTDA in El Salvador has been ignoring health protocols for the prevention and control of...

Featured image for - IUF Europe: New EU guidelines on seasonal workers a step in the right direction but binding measures are urgently needed

IUF Europe: New EU guidelines on seasonal workers a step in the right direction but binding measures are urgently needed


The IUF's European regional organization IUF-EFFAT has consistently demanded greater legal protection for seasonal migrant workers, whose precarious situation has...