Featured image for - Coca-Cola’s attack on unions in the Philippines invites violence against workers

Coca-Cola’s attack on unions in the Philippines invites violence against workers


Management at The Coca-Cola Company's operations in the Philippines is using "red-tagging"- the public smearing of unions as subversive organizations...

Featured image for - India: Collective union action wins jobs for agricultural workers in Bihar

India: Collective union action wins jobs for agricultural workers in Bihar


Action by the IUF-affiliated Hind Khet Mazdoor Panchayat has secured jobs for 570 agricultural workers in 4 villages in the...

Featured image for - The German Food and Allied Workers Union takes Gilde Brewery to court

The German Food and Allied Workers Union takes Gilde Brewery to court


The German Food and Allied Workers Union (NGG) is taking legal action against the management of the Gilde Brewery. According...

Featured image for - Belgium: Trade unions and AB InBev management reach agreement in principle

Belgium: Trade unions and AB InBev management reach agreement in principle


At brewery giant AB InBev, IUF-affiliated trade unions and the management reached an agreement in principle on job security on...

Featured image for - The IUF LGBTI Workers & Allies’ Committee constituted in Barcelona

The IUF LGBTI Workers & Allies’ Committee constituted in Barcelona


The IUF's commitment to equality in the workplace and in society took an important step forward with the IUF LGBTI...

Featured image for - Marriott workers across Africa demand action to combat sexual harassment through negotiations with IUF

Marriott workers across Africa demand action to combat sexual harassment through negotiations with IUF


Marriott workers across Africa have called on the CEO of the world's largest hotel company to engage directly with the...

Featured image for - On International Human Rights Day, global solidarity with rights defenders in the Philippines

On International Human Rights Day, global solidarity with rights defenders in the Philippines


Trade union organizations around the world, national and international, are taking action on December 10, International Human Rights Day, to...

Featured image for - IUF/Danone Agreements guarantee access to your rights. Get the poster!

IUF/Danone Agreements guarantee access to your rights. Get the poster!


The IUF and Danone have jointly produced a poster setting out IUF/Danone agreements guaranteeing access for Danone workers to fundamental...

Featured image for - Philippines: PepsiCo Union files strike notice

Philippines: PepsiCo Union files strike notice


PepsiCo Employees and Workers Union (PEWU) in the Philippines submitted a CBA proposal to the company on April 30, 2019....

Featured image for - Belgium: IUF affiliates block AB InBev factory gates in Jupille and Leuven

Belgium: IUF affiliates block AB InBev factory gates in Jupille and Leuven


IUF affiliates that represent the AB InBev workers in Jupille and Leuven factories have conducted a blocking action this week...

Featured image for - Boston (USA): Battery Wharf Hotel workers end 79-day strike with significant gains

Boston (USA): Battery Wharf Hotel workers end 79-day strike with significant gains


After more than eleven weeks on strike, members of the IUF affiliated UNITE HERE Local 26 in Boston have unanimously...