Featured image for - International solidarity with Phillips Seafood Indonesia workers

International solidarity with Phillips Seafood Indonesia workers


International union delegates to IUF meat and dairy division steering meetings in San Francisco, USA showed their support for the...

Featured image for - Italian affiliates to implement IUF/Sodexo joint commitment to prevent sexual harassment

Italian affiliates to implement IUF/Sodexo joint commitment to prevent sexual harassment


Filcams-CGIL, Fisascat-CISL and UILTuCS have negotiated with Sodexo Italian management for the implementation of the zero tolerance for sexual harassment...

Featured image for - EQUALITY NOW! For an international Convention to stop violence against women at work

EQUALITY NOW! For an international Convention to stop violence against women at work


The International Women's Day celebrated by IUF affiliates this year is devoted to the struggle to end violence against women,...

Featured image for - HKScan meat workers in Estonia strike for rights, recognition and a collective agreement

HKScan meat workers in Estonia strike for rights, recognition and a collective agreement


Workers on the slaughter line at the HKScan meat factory in Rakvere, Estonia have been on strike since February 6...

Featured image for - Haft Tapeh workers in Iran win unpaid wages after months of struggle

Haft Tapeh workers in Iran win unpaid wages after months of struggle


The long struggle by workers and their union at the Haft Tapeh sugar complex in Shush, Iran to secure wages...

Featured image for - Conversion of casual to permanent work at Mondelez (Cadbury) Pakistan

Conversion of casual to permanent work at Mondelez (Cadbury) Pakistan


At its annual general meeting on February 16, the Mondelez (Cadbury) Progressive Employees Union celebrated the conversion of 94 long...

Featured image for - Launch of first-ever independent federation of food workers in Indonesia

Launch of first-ever independent federation of food workers in Indonesia


On February 2 and 3, sixteen independent unions came together in Yogyakarta to form the first ever independent union federation...

Featured image for - Nestlé workers from France demonstrate in Switzerland

Nestlé workers from France demonstrate in Switzerland


Nearly 200 workers from the Nestlé-Galderma research centre near Nice in the south of France travelled overnight by bus to...

Featured image for - What happens when the shark runs out of water for the feeding frenzy?

What happens when the shark runs out of water for the feeding frenzy?


For many, Kraft Heinz/3G Capital's business model is old news - though not for the thousands who have lost their...

Featured image for - Outsourced Holiday Inn workers in France end their strike with important gains

Outsourced Holiday Inn workers in France end their strike with important gains


Room cleaners and other outsourced workers at the Holiday Inn in Clichy, France ended their 111-day strike on February 8...

Featured image for - A new national agreement for Italian tourism workers to maintain social benefit and job security

A new national agreement for Italian tourism workers to maintain social benefit and job security


On February 9, IUF affiliates Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs Uil signed the new national agreement for over one...

Featured image for - New IUF Africa publication: a resource for fighting for LGBTI workers’ rights

New IUF Africa publication: a resource for fighting for LGBTI workers’ rights


The IUF is pleased to announce the publication of "Our common struggle for rights and equality organising, fighting and winning...