Featured image for - Nestlé workers travel from France to defend their research center from threatened closure

Nestlé workers travel from France to defend their research center from threatened closure


In September 2017, Nestlé announced a "strategic reorientation" of its dermatology division, Galderma, leading to the announcement of the closure...

Featured image for - Estonian meat workers strike

Estonian meat workers strike


Slaughterhouse workers at Rakvere, Estonia struck spontaneously in October 2017 at the repeated refusal by their employer, the Finnish transnational...

Featured image for - NGG concludes bargaining for meat workers in Germany

NGG concludes bargaining for meat workers in Germany


IUF affiliate the NGG has concluded difficult and lengthy negotiations on an industry wide collective bargaining agreement (CBA) which sets...

Featured image for - International unions press Algerian government to respect trade union rights

International unions press Algerian government to respect trade union rights


On February 5, an international trade union delegation of representatives of the IUF, our sister internationals PSI and IndustriAll and...

Featured image for - U.S. workers win safety campaign

U.S. workers win safety campaign


Poultry workers in the United States have won an important victory after campaigning against a petition by the National Chicken...

Featured image for - We stick together!

We stick together!


An article in the NGG magazine "Einigkeit" featuring Michael Königsfeld, chairperson of the works council at Purina in Euskirchen.  

Featured image for - Fast food workers in Thailand win first collective bargaining agreements

Fast food workers in Thailand win first collective bargaining agreements


Fast food workers at one of the largest, nation-wide KFC franchises in Thailand have won their first collective bargaining agreements.  

Featured image for - Under Iceland’s new equal pay law employers must prove compliance or face fines

Under Iceland’s new equal pay law employers must prove compliance or face fines


Gender-based wage discrimination has long been illegal in Iceland, as it is in many countries around the world. But the...

Featured image for - Union push brings new safety standard for hotel housekeepers in California

Union push brings new safety standard for hotel housekeepers in California


The California government agency responsible for workplace health and safety unanimously adopted on January 18 a specific set of standards...

Featured image for - International support for outsourced workers on strike at Holiday Inn France

International support for outsourced workers on strike at Holiday Inn France


The workers who clean the rooms, wash the dishes and perform other outsourced low wage tasks at the 4-star Holiday...

Featured image for - Brazil: another rural worker and rights defender murdered

Brazil: another rural worker and rights defender murdered


The toll of violence against rural workers, peasants and all those defending human rights, the struggle for land and the...

Featured image for - Danone to shut down its dairy business in India

Danone to shut down its dairy business in India


Danone has decided to close down its dairy business in India, after three failed attempts to make a mark in...