LGBTI workers are no less human

...issues around LGBTI. The 10th IUF Regional conference decision commands us to develop a training programme that will ensure that issues on sexual orientation and/or sexuality are well understood so...

Marriott workers in Italy win a new CBA

IUF-affiliated Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs have renewed the CBA for nine Marriott hotels in Italy, involving some 3.000 workers. Key points for the new agreement are the company’s...

AMR, Superbugs and the workplace

...workplace issue – where it comes from, how it spreads, and what must be done to fight it. CLICK HERE to download Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) – A Workplace Hazard AMRBrochureEnglish.pdf...

Argentina: Good Practices Manual for the HRCT sector

...Insurers Association, and the Federal Government in a quadripartite discussion. On the agency’s website there are videos produced by UTHGRA to reduce injuries and promote a safe work environment: